Traits of a Savage Daughter

Odalesque, No. 17 from the portfolio "American Pictorial Photography, Series I" (1899); edition 146/150 by Charles I. Berg


 Original public domain image from Art Institute of Chicago
  • near-constant bare feet
  • canines that glow in the light of the moon
  • often found lying on the ground or the floor
  • irregular sleep patterns
  • sees omens in the clouds
  • vague distrust of technology
  • not in possession of a “polite smile,” nor capable of small talk
  • highly intelligent
  • observes more than partakes
  • listens more than talks
  • lots of humming and singing in whispers
  • celestial, pastoral, and morbid interests
  • has creative and artistic pursuits or hobbies
  • their concept of age is hazy or altogether indefinable
  • messy hair
  • short, dirty fingernails
  • seemingly directionless, but knows their purpose
  • strong beliefs but an open mind
  • never-ending longing for fresh fruit
  • talks of the current phase of the moon at strange times
  • never up-to-date on current events
  • little to no understanding of how taxes work

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